Anonima Armonisti

31/8 h21.00
Fossano, Auditorium Calvino-Paglieri

Opening act: PG Choir

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Anonima Armonisti was founded in the summer of 2003 as an “a cappella” vocal septet. Over the years, the group has created over fifty songs and produced two albums, an EP, four video clips and hundreds of concerts all around Italy.
For AA, bringing the a cappella genre back to life has meant rediscovering a new way of reading the cornerstones of music from around the world, thanks to the surprising heterogeneity in the inspiration of the individual elements. A wide variety of musical genres, from pop music to Italian and international folk singing, from vintage classics to the latest pop, rock and electronic hits, are brought back in signature arrangements.

In order to return a live experience that is always original and able to satisfy the widest possible audience, Anonima Armonisti’s concerts incorporate the musical performance into a true entertainment performance. Not a “scripted” show, rather an attempt to recreate on stage the goliardic, ironic and irreverent spirit that characterizes rehearsals.

From 2004 to 2018, Anonima Armonisti has regularly enlivened the stages of major Italian live clubs, participated in national and international events, appeared on radio and TV, and created and produced VokalFest, an annual gathering of choral music active in Rome since 2010.

After the success of a great concert at the Sala Petrassi of the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone in Rome (2018), Anonima Armonisti now returns to the stages to celebrate 20 years of activity together, with an even new project.
Seven more elements have been added to the “historical” group, leading to a further raising of quality and confirming the vocation for the cross-fertilization of genres and vocal registers.

Bringing a different lineup to the stage at each concert, Anonima Armonisti is an eclectic, enthralling live experience, and never so full of surprises.

Anonima Armonisti today consists of:
Lorenzo Arduini, Daniele D’Alberti, Andrea D’Apolito, Davide Di Paola (aka Alien Dee), Davide (Daev) Fusaro, Alessandro Gnolfo, Sergio Lo Gatto, Claudio Mirone, Davide Paciolla, Alessandro Rigotti, Jacopo Romei, Fernando Tofani, Ludovico (Dodo) Versino.